An insight into the workings of my mind. You have been warned ;-) Here you will find my musings on various matters. From the profound to the ridiculous: seemingly disparate elements yet often found to be two sides of the same coin. Notable recent thoughts are mostly about personal growth and Astrology.
31 March 2024
28 March 2024
OA Dreams of Delphi
I was reminded today that I'd recently drawn some unexpected parallels between the Netflix series The OA and Dreams of Delphi by Bat for Lashes.
Spoiler alert: Both incorporate very similar dance moves which alter reality. In truth, I don't actually know if Natasha Khan's moves seek to portray an altered reality but it's definitely in the ballpark. Her moves might just be story telling through arm movement. The OA's dance moves are somewhere between an interdimensional portal, a time machine and a fabric of reality jiggeryabouterer. Sounds mad because it absolutely is mad.
To paraphrase Peter Kaye (think garlic and bread): Dance, it's the future. (And the past, the parallel etc. You get the point).
The RGF xx
24 March 2024
22 March 2024
21 March 2024
17 March 2024
Oracle card reading: Aries Spring Ostara
I pulled this single oracle card reading today. The card that came through is timed so perfectly. A powerful shift is coming. I should note that this card reading is for anyone that finds it, ergo the shift is too.
Let's step into power together.
The RGF xxx
16 March 2024
14 March 2024
The other you
When you were the other you
The absent
The remembered and imagined
You were a shadow on my heart.
Now you are the real you
The here
The entwined and experienced
You are light upon my soul.
12 March 2024
Teardrop in Venus
I wrote the post below on the 5th April 2017. Annnnnnd it transpires that Venus was moving towards the constellation of Pisces at time of writing. It actually arrived in Pisces on the 7th, according to the all powerful and knowledgeable Internet. Maybe I was connecting with it's trajectory.
Today I woke up singing Teardrop by Massive Attack. Not because I'd heard it recently. The majestic song just landed in my brain. The timing is pretty perfect because Venus moved into the constellation of Pisces yesterday.
We are still in dreamy, mystical Pisces season and I kinda love it. Notably, I'm Pisces ascendant and my Jupiter was also in Pisces on the day I was born. As an aside, my beautiful daughter has so much Pisces in her birth chart that she's pretty much swimming in it. Soooo right now she's really disconnected from the practical and is living in her imagination.
I digress. Tis the season.
Timing. It's kinda everything really. Today I was bang on target. My Sagittarius placements woop in jubilation.
In other news, I don't think I do want to spend a Venusian day with anyone. It's a romantic notion but despite it's Venus in Pisces sentiment, the logic in me says I'd be wiped of all my energy. I absorb other people's energy, like a watery sponge or a reverse Colin Robinson. As noted in my 2017 post, a Venusian day lasts for bloody ages. Soooo instead I'll take a romantic Earth day. As long as I can also take a whole day just for me.
The RGF xxx
10 March 2024
Oracle card reading on Pisces new moon
I've been beavering away, making videos for YouTube. This one is an oracle card reading. Taken today. 🐠🌊♓️
09 March 2024
05 March 2024
03 March 2024
02 March 2024
In the past, I'd be reaching for the tooooons and the wine before getting ready to go out. Sometimes getting ready was the most thrilling part. Today, whist getting ready to go out (shopping, not out out), I'm drinking tea and contemplating whether I can squeeze in some hardcore ancestral healing.
Ah time.
I do still occasionally go out out. I still reach for tooooons and the wine but tea is my daily companion. I bloody love tea. Healing is pretty good too.
The RGF xx
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