I think I want to be a fairy, specifically a midnight fairy. I can really see myself bouncing from flower to flower in the small hours. I used to dance around after midnight quite often. Generally speaking, midnight action has tended not to include fancy dress. Though I have been a cyber witch, a snow queen and, just to mix things up, a member of The Village People. My Renegade Glitter Fairy alter ego did make an appearance two Halloweens ago. I think it was two. Could have been one. Time is a wishy washy concept in my world. Stuff happens, time passes and sometimes I remember the stuff but I don't usually remember the time of the stuff.
I am, however, aware that time passes quickly, and ever more so the older one gets. Thus, Halloween fast approaches yet again. Perhaps The RGF (Renegade Glitter Fairy - this blogs title, in case you hadn't noticed) will make another appearance this year. I like fancy dress at Halloween, yet I'm in no hurry to reach the autumnal months. There is something magical about flowers swaying in the breeze, as a gentle sun looks down on the world. On the other hand, there is nothing magical about sweating your arse off - actually there are times when sweaty is fun but I'm not naughty enough to post about it.
I think mermaid hair and new look RGF outfit is needed. In fact, I have been considering making some fairy wings since The Llangollen Faery Festival. It seems that a project is presenting itself. Perhaps I should finish my other creative projects first….. then again, why break the habit of a life time. Multiple projects, none of which are necessarily ever finished, are kinda my thing. I need more time or a reasonable understanding of it. A pause button would probably do the trick and a shed load of energy……or actual fairy magic.
Love and wishes,
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