“Your crazy matches my crazy”. It's a quote from Deadpool which captures the kind of love I want. I know that it's possible to stumble across someone who resonates at the same frequency I do: the profound and the ridiculous, tied together with rainbow ribbons.
I want to learn from them, and I want them to learn from me. An equal partnership with kindness, compassion, bravery, comedy, intelligence, wisdom, passion, art and probably other stuff I've yet to think of.
That sense of feeling comfortable and excited simultaneously. Where you just fit together - where it’s just completely right. Fully being with each other in each shared moment: real, flawed and beautiful.
I recognise that this type of love, like any relationship, will have it's challenges because nothing can completely transcend the uneven road of life. I'm realistic about relationships, well, I'm realistic to a point. Crucially though, I'm something of a dreamer and they need to be that too.
I've almost had this type of love a number of times. I've even experienced pure moments of it very recently. I'm not sure how unrequited that was but for me, at times, it felt exactly right.
I'm not going to settle for anything less than the love i want. The colours need to be intense because otherwise it will feel vague. Love can be all-consuming, it can even be ill-considered but it should never be vague.
Somewhere out there there's a Wade to my Vanessa. However the search for them has ceased because I hope that when they're ready, they'll find me.
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