I assumed the comments on my blog weren't working, mostly because I haven't had any for sooooo long. I just did an anonymous comment test. It worked. Damn. Self-esteem moderately damaged.
Confidence comes from within. Real confidence can not be generated from the adoration of others. If it is, then it is fragile and ultimately false. Bla bla and so on. I mock but actually it's true.
An insight into the workings of my mind. You have been warned ;-) Here you will find my musings on various matters. From the profound to the ridiculous: seemingly disparate elements yet often found to be two sides of the same coin. Notable recent thoughts are mostly about personal growth and Astrology.
31 May 2014
30 May 2014
Feel the burn or something
I read somewhere that exercisers are 10% more productive if they exercise to music. On reflection, it may have been 13% but there was definitely some kind of percent and it was a plus rather than a minus figure.
Anyway, as result of these findings, I decided to do my Tabata routine to music. My Tabata videos are music-free. The only motivation on offer, is the enthusiastic encouragement of a North American fitness guru. In many ways, that is motivational enough - if only to get to the end of the video asap, so to fast-forward his sugar-coated, aggravating drawl. However, I considered that music might just turn my productivity up an notch whilst filtering out his voice. Double bonus.
I recommend that people exercise to bouncy tunes. It doesn't have to be a Junglist vibe but something with bass and beats is probably fairly important. If nothing else, the routine will be much more fun that way.
Oh and by the way - Tabata is an effective form of exercise. It is hard but the 10 second breaks seem to get you through the suffering. Try it.
Dental progress
I dread the dentist. I find the very thought of going totally terrifying. The actual experience of being there does very little to relieve my fears. I detest the dentist and it has ALWAYS been that way.
![]() |
The unreachable perfect smile |
I realise that I'm not alone in this. Many people will go to great lengths to avoid dental treatment - such as regularly flossing, brushing and swilling with mouthwash or suffer horrific dental hygiene so to avoid the dentist indefinitely. I fall roughly into the second group of people. I dabble with regular visits but it never lasts. I'm a dentist avoider, or rather I was.
I have a daughter. Her teeth matter to me. I can't avoid the dentist. I have to take her precious teeth for regular check-ups. Thus I am suddenly a dentist embracer. Or something.
So today, I visited the dentist and I was amazed to spend very little money. Moreover, and, here's the clincher, the dental prod-pokeathon was fairly stress-free. The injections didn't hurt. There was much vibrating and hoovering around my mouth but it really was okay.
The dentist himself, contrary to practically all previous experience with his contemporaries, was so considerate and empathetic. He continually checked on my well-being. If it wasn't for all the scraping and oral hoovering, I would go as far as to say that I'd look forward to my next appointment (which incredibly isn't until November).
I'm sooooo impressed by my new dentist that I've just brushed my teeth in celebration. This will be my second brush of the day so far!
29 May 2014
Not the doctor
Not the Doctor, a song that I absolutely adored in the 90s. Listening again, I still believe it to be a tremendous song and beautiful piece of poetry. I know Alanis has been considered questionable in terms of musical authenticity and mocked for irony issues but regardless I still believe that Jagged Little Pill is a fantastic album. Not the Doctor was one my favourite tracks. I used to read the lyrics off the CD and turn her vocals down so I could pretend that it was my song.
I recall stomping around my bedroom belting out the words to You oughta know. I'd been through a fairly painful and significant break-up so the lyrics resonated with me.
Not the Doctor resonates with me right now. And here it is:
I recall stomping around my bedroom belting out the words to You oughta know. I'd been through a fairly painful and significant break-up so the lyrics resonated with me.
Not the Doctor resonates with me right now. And here it is:
27 May 2014
She and I
Somewhere between two worlds
She looks at me
She holds my eye
Fills my mind
We are the same
She and I
I am her
She is me
Love that's more than reality
This is the beginning
This is the end
This is where I transcend
She looks at me
She holds my eye
Fills my mind
We are the same
She and I
I am her
She is me
Love that's more than reality
This is the beginning
This is the end
This is where I transcend
Money things
So, I try to sell things on Ebay and Preloved. It's not very glamourous but it does occasionally bring a little bit of money. I'd love to exist without money but then I'd probably miss chocolate or the idea of champagne (the reality of champagne is few and far between this days). So I sell things.
If you like to buy things, you might like to buy things from me:
If you like to buy things, you might like to buy things from me:
Poems of love: motherhood
I just found a poem in my draft posts. I wrote it back in 2012. Reading between the lines, it's probably fairly obviously about falling in love with my daughter.
Loving your children is like finding your soul mate but bigger. It's so much more than romantic love. It alters who you are, and, for the most part, it alters who you are in the very best of ways. I became much more than Hazel when I had my daughter. Motherhood the best and hardest thing you will ever do. It impossible to convey how it feels. Holding your child in your womb for months, feeling them move and respond to your voice then following birth, holding them in your arms for the first time. Hormonal craziness, sleeplessness, loss of independent self, tantrums and fear of losing them notwithstanding - motherhood is the most perfect thing. Perfect with all it's flaws and challenges.
Loving your children is like finding your soul mate but bigger. It's so much more than romantic love. It alters who you are, and, for the most part, it alters who you are in the very best of ways. I became much more than Hazel when I had my daughter. Motherhood the best and hardest thing you will ever do. It impossible to convey how it feels. Holding your child in your womb for months, feeling them move and respond to your voice then following birth, holding them in your arms for the first time. Hormonal craziness, sleeplessness, loss of independent self, tantrums and fear of losing them notwithstanding - motherhood is the most perfect thing. Perfect with all it's flaws and challenges.
26 May 2014
So I now know what a USP is. I googled. Thanks Google. My unique selling point is.....erm cripes......erm.... what about lucid dreams. I have the ability to control my dreams. Not every dream but a hefty percentage of them. I can also continue a dream if I wake part way through. Obviously it all depends on when I wake and how much sleep I've had. Although, in real terms, this is probably isn't particularly unique - lots of people have lucid dreams.
English language Comedy of Errors
Buzz Feed had me almost wetting myself with laughter this evening. Real laugh out loud stuff. Yes, I know it's wrong to mock people but SERIOUSLY sooo funny.
People that took on the English language and lost.
People that took on the English language and lost.
And more cultural lives!
More cultural lives. This is from Sophia Valentine.
More cultural lives. This is from Sophia Valentine.
More cultural lives
Robert Lang, a friend of my friend Sam (complex) has also reported on his cultural life! Sharing cultural lives - it's growing.
Here is a lovely link.
If you fancy sharing your cultural life, just copy and paste the questions then add your own answers. Share, tag, share, tag. You get the idea.
Love and stars
Here is a lovely link.
If you fancy sharing your cultural life, just copy and paste the questions then add your own answers. Share, tag, share, tag. You get the idea.
Love and stars
Green coverage
Give The Green Party fair coverage in the media. They have enjoyed some election success. People need to know this.
Also, The Green Party needs to become a viable choice for voters. For too long, people have said, voting green is a bit like not voting. Their success depends on our votes and I believe they will change things for the better, at European and national level.
Please sign this petition to ensure that the greens get the media coverage that fairly represents their successes.
Also, The Green Party needs to become a viable choice for voters. For too long, people have said, voting green is a bit like not voting. Their success depends on our votes and I believe they will change things for the better, at European and national level.
Please sign this petition to ensure that the greens get the media coverage that fairly represents their successes.
25 May 2014
My Cultural Life: an update
Following my post on My Cultural Life, my beautiful friend and fabulous writer, Samantha Priestley has given answers on her cultural life.
This idea began when I chose to ask myself the questions that were posed by Harper's Bizaar to Benedict Cumberbatch regarding his cultural life.
Here is a link to Sam's blog and her cultural life.
Sam had the idea to tag three friends in Facebook, upon sharing the posts about our cultural lives. I tagged three friends and she tagged three friends. We ask that they, in turn, tag three friends and so on. I really hope this idea to share our cultural lives gains momentum.
This idea began when I chose to ask myself the questions that were posed by Harper's Bizaar to Benedict Cumberbatch regarding his cultural life.
Here is a link to Sam's blog and her cultural life.
Sam had the idea to tag three friends in Facebook, upon sharing the posts about our cultural lives. I tagged three friends and she tagged three friends. We ask that they, in turn, tag three friends and so on. I really hope this idea to share our cultural lives gains momentum.
Bye bye Mockingbird?!
Oh my gosh! What?! To Kill a Mockingbird was an absolutely vital piece of literature for me. It created, in part, the person that I am today. It cannot be removed from the curriculum. What the heck is wrong with this man.
Oh my gosh! What?! To Kill a Mockingbird was an absolutely vital piece of literature for me. It created, in part, the person that I am today. It cannot be removed from the curriculum. What the heck is wrong with this man.
Hair dye day: operation hair art
Today is hair dye day. This is not a thing. It's not international or even national, it's local, local to me. So local, in fact, it's just me. Today is the day I have decided to dye my hair again. Currently it is blonde, murky brown and murky green. Not the sort of look I was hoping for. By tonight, exact time as yet unknown, it should be pink, purple, blue, green, murky brown and blonde. The actual outcome is mostly down to chance rather than skill. It will be haphazard and I like it that way. Just as well because I'm pretty useless at creating posh hair.
I will attempt to take a selfie of my hair and place said selfie on this very blog.
Exciting isn't it! ;-)
I'm considering tangerine and red as future and possibly additional hair colours to the ones listed above. Or maybe just tangerine, red and pink. Or erm tangerine, purple and blue. Oh the choices. The possibilities. Hair art. I love it.
I will attempt to take a selfie of my hair and place said selfie on this very blog.
Exciting isn't it! ;-)
I'm considering tangerine and red as future and possibly additional hair colours to the ones listed above. Or maybe just tangerine, red and pink. Or erm tangerine, purple and blue. Oh the choices. The possibilities. Hair art. I love it.
Sherlock: Ultimate Crack!Vid
This is soooo good. Funny. Perfect for Sherlock fans. Perfect full-stop. Watch. Enjoy.
24 May 2014
My cultural life
Inspired by Harper's Bazaar interview with the fabulous Benedict
Cumberbatch; I'm going to answer the questions put to him. I think it would be
quite interesting if other people answered these questions too and published
their answers on their blog or Facebook profile.
Having a cultural life and
trying to expand it a worthwhile activity. Hopefully this blog post
will encourage me to widen my cultural horizons.
1. Favourite cliche: a problem shared, is a problem halved.
2. Poem known by heart: erm none at present. Yikes. I can recall bits of Wordsworth but nothing worth repeating. So, expand my mind with soon-to-be-known-by-heart poetry is a must do.
3. Guilty pleasure: ha, well, it's tricky to pick just one. Chocolate is high on the list but so is champagne, cheese, Made in Chelsea...... For the most part, it appears to be things beginning with C.
4. The first record you bought: well I always say it was Video Killed the Radio Star by Buggles. However, I have worrying feeling that it was Fame by erm The Kids from Fame!
5. The book that changed your life: this is one easy - it was To Kill a Mockingbird. It moved me to tears, which was problematic because I read it in school. Once we had covered the book, I actually stole the book. Naughty girl. I didn't want to part with it. It never occurred to me that I could just go out and buy a copy! I was much more aware of injustice and racism post-book. I was aware and it really mattered to me. I believe this book is largely responsible for my sociopolitical views. I'm pro-people and anti-racism. Injustice rips pieces from my soul. Thank you Harper Lee.
6. What's your audition piece: hmmmm, well, not an actor and never wanted to be so I'll make something up. Austin Powers offering an explanation as to why he slept with Alotta Fagina. She was rancid baby. Yep, I'm sure that would win me many parts in both blockbusting and art-house cinema films.
7. Favourite film: probably The Big Lebowski but Human Traffic, A Wonderful Life, An Affair to Remember and yes, sorry film buffs but Sleepless Seattle are also loved by me.
8. Favourite villain: probably Andrew Scott's Moriarty but also Brandon Lee's Eric Draven, The Crow. He isn't really a villain but he does carry out dark deeds on a quest for vengeance.
9. Who would you like to play you in the film of your life: I have the perfect, Sherlock Holmes fan choice, Natalie Dormer. Great actor and she is wonderfully sexy.
10. Favourite hour of the day: well, long long ago I would have chosen sometime after midnight - because night time is where the magic happens but now I'm a mother to a toddler so night time is usually where I'm pulled forcefully out of much-needed sleep so I'd have to say early afternoon. I'm less tired around then.
11. Do you have any irrational fears: do I!!!! How long have we got. Spiders, the dark, ghosts, the unexplained, clowns, small spaces....I could go on and on......
12. Recurrent dream: being unable to contact people that matter to me and being deceived by loved ones. (This probably says very worrying things about my psyche).
13. Whats worth fighting for: my family, my freedom, my right to speak out on issues that matter.
14. Signature dance: I always do a spot of arm waving in a raver style and if I happen to have a whistle, I blow it a lot.
15. What's your USP: at least I think that's what the interviewer says. God knows what a USP is. BC says he can fart on cue. I cannot. I can't even burp on cue. Maybe something with accents. I'm pretty good at accents.
16. Money or sex: I'd like to be all bohemian and say sex but no, money. Money matters much when you have none.
17. Apollo vs Dionysus: well firstly, I had to look this up. My studies of philosophy didn't cover this and my knowledge of Greek Mythology is fairly limited. Having looked it up, I think Dionysus. Pleasure matters. It doesn't have to be illicit but it helps. Ha!
18. Dylan or Hendrix: probably Dylan but only just. Hendrix is also very cool.
19. James Dean or James Steward: both, definitely both.
20. Optimist or pessimist: currently I'm something of a pessimist. Difficult times will do that to a person.
21. Minimalist or maximist: minimalist. I hate clutter. Sadly my husband has a lot of clutter. Space allows you to think. Clutter allows you to trip over.
22.Grace Kelly or Grace Jones: Grace Jones kinda terrifies me. Grace Kelly is the epitome of erm well grace! I would love to have just 10 percent of her effortless glamour and sophistication.
23. Lennon or McCartney: it has to be Lennon. I love Paul but I connect a little more with Lennon's soul. That sounds a bit up-my-own-arsey. I just relate to Lennon's poetry. Both men are fabulous though. The Beatles are god.
24.What's your fancy dress: well it has been quite a few years since I wore any. Snowy white things like the Snow Queen and silvery fairies. I once dressed up as a cyber witch for Gatecrasher. The outfit was all silvery and witchy. I loved that outfit. Must do something like that again.
This was my cultural life as appertaining to the questions put to Benedict Cumberbatch by Harper's Bazaar. Okay, I'm ready for my photo-shoot now. :)
23 May 2014
Save the planet
Tommy Zoom, can you help the Greens save the planet? Whilst you are at it, can you zoom UKIP, BNP and all the other racists onto an uninhabited planet? There, they will have lots of space to fight amongst themselves.
Tommy Zoom: Keith Wickham
My toddler adores Tommy Zoom, and to be truthful, so do I. It's all about saving the planet but the saving is done from an eco perspective. Polluto, voiced by the flipping marvelous Keith Wickham, is the super-villain / personification of planetary pollution. Polluto has the customary side-kick cat - think James Bond villains. Tommy Zoom is part live action and part animation. The animation bit is where Tommy saves the planet. There is sub-text and I like kids TV programmes that have sub-text.
In my view, Keith Wickham is absolutely fantastic. I laugh, I laugh often and I've seen some episodes of Tommy Zoom 30 or 40 times. My toddler laughs too but at totally different aspects of humour. Keith makes Tommy Zoom watchable for adults. Lets face it, some kids TV can be hell on earth but Tommy Zoom is really rather good.
Thank you Keith Wickham. You are fab.
In my view, Keith Wickham is absolutely fantastic. I laugh, I laugh often and I've seen some episodes of Tommy Zoom 30 or 40 times. My toddler laughs too but at totally different aspects of humour. Keith makes Tommy Zoom watchable for adults. Lets face it, some kids TV can be hell on earth but Tommy Zoom is really rather good.
Thank you Keith Wickham. You are fab.
21 May 2014
Progressive rhythm guitar - for beginner to advanced students - emphasis on rock
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5kw81L
Ooooh burlesque gothy things
I just spotted a very interesting event via Facebook. A burlesque fair in lovely Manchester. Realistically, with parenting and very few pennies, we probably won't attend but ooooh I would love to go.
That feeling
You know that feeling, that feeling when a piece of writing seems to write itself. The words just come. They emerge with ease. They emerge as if they were waiting to be written. Just waiting, then emerging, all over the page. Nope? Neither do I!
Green tea anyone?
So, I had a vague idea that green tea might be a bit good for you. It contains caffeine but I'm given to understand that it has less naughty caffeine than tea and coffee. I recall, from somewhere deep in my memory cells, that it has good things called anti-oxidants. I believe anti-oxidants or antioxidants (unsure) has frequent fights with something called free radicals. This, unlike other forms of violence, is good. Now free radicals are everywhere but they are not deemed omnipresent (like god who is also everywhere). Free radicals, might be emancipated and they might not cost you a penny but they, unlike other free things, are NOT good. Anti-oxidants, on the other hand, are good. Thus green tea is kinda good. But don't give it to your kids because it does contain caffeine. And children on caffeine is not something that we want to see. Think walls, bouncing off.
I'm an adult. Well mostly. I currently have a brew. It is a green tea brew. I usually drink earl grey or coffee but we are out of one and low on the other. I am mum, I get tired, I can't make it throught the day without aids - and green tea is a socially acceptable and moderately mild stimulant-type aid.
And green tea is a fairly healthy aid. Winner. Moreover, green tea is actually magic. It can help weight loss! Wow. Obviously I haven't researched this in any depth. In fact I haven't research it all. I've pretty much just taken Authority Nutrition's word for it (see below). But I'm sure it works. If not, green tea is a pleasant, caffeine filled brew.
If the magic contained in green tea interests you, follow the link below.
Green tea anyone?
I'm an adult. Well mostly. I currently have a brew. It is a green tea brew. I usually drink earl grey or coffee but we are out of one and low on the other. I am mum, I get tired, I can't make it throught the day without aids - and green tea is a socially acceptable and moderately mild stimulant-type aid.
And green tea is a fairly healthy aid. Winner. Moreover, green tea is actually magic. It can help weight loss! Wow. Obviously I haven't researched this in any depth. In fact I haven't research it all. I've pretty much just taken Authority Nutrition's word for it (see below). But I'm sure it works. If not, green tea is a pleasant, caffeine filled brew.
If the magic contained in green tea interests you, follow the link below.
Green tea anyone?
BC being adorable - again
Soooo cute. Yes, yes, I know, stop going on about BC. But look. Aaaw.
Soooo cute. Yes, yes, I know, stop going on about BC. But look. Aaaw.
Be a real man
I just read this excellent piece of writing by a real man. A real man in the way that all men should be real.
Check it out. http://www.beyondmoi.com/i-am-man/
Now there is something for men to aspire to. Objectification is a choice, you can control it. It isn't a right. People are people and we are all equal. Gender is a concept. Just because you code something as sexy doesn't entitled you to oggle it, grab it or otherwise take ownership of it. RESPECT.
Check it out. http://www.beyondmoi.com/i-am-man/
Now there is something for men to aspire to. Objectification is a choice, you can control it. It isn't a right. People are people and we are all equal. Gender is a concept. Just because you code something as sexy doesn't entitled you to oggle it, grab it or otherwise take ownership of it. RESPECT.
19 May 2014
Benedict C reading Little Red Hen
The beautiful BC reading Little Red Hen. I must say that my toddler prefers the Alphablocks version but I, obviously, adored hearing and watching BC reading Little Red Hen. Absolutely brilliant.
I have completed another item from my to do list, watch the above with my daughter.
To do list update: film
We attempted to watch the end of Julie Julia last night. The attempt failed. My daughter actually woke up and refused to go back to sleep for about an hour. I'm starting to suspect that my lovely one really doesn't want me to watch the rest of this film.
My plan - watch the parts of the film we missed whilst she is awake. She can watch it too. It's a PG 13 but as I recall, there was no violence and very little bad language. If she is already awake, she can't wake up and prevent us from watching it.
Gosh I'm good.
If you need parenting tips, just quiz me. Erm, yes, ahem.
My plan - watch the parts of the film we missed whilst she is awake. She can watch it too. It's a PG 13 but as I recall, there was no violence and very little bad language. If she is already awake, she can't wake up and prevent us from watching it.
Gosh I'm good.
If you need parenting tips, just quiz me. Erm, yes, ahem.
Customised, one off, paint effect top. Funky punk. Grungy hippie!
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://ift.tt/1o63j3X
Funky hippy customised top. One off design. Blue with rainbow effect. Size 14.
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://ift.tt/1nYbj9U
New LOW PRICE - Ronald Joyce Wedding dress (prom ball gown) - stunning
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://ift.tt/1jLG8qq
Pearl Jam limited edition print - Vitalogy - rare
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://ift.tt/1jLG61Q
Adults martial arts / karate tournament mitts / gloves
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://ift.tt/1mLXTeW
Bar bender - exercise equipment for upper body
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://ift.tt/1jLG89R
18 May 2014
I thought, assumed even, that I had a good, solid group of friends. Not a large group but certainly a solid group. WRONG. It turns out that a hefty percentage of these 'friends' were far less solid than I'd assumed. Far less solid to the extent that they have either lost touch with me completely or are deliberately parting ways with me. Parting ways, actually on purpose. Just like those 'friends' did at school. You know, that I'm not your friend anymore deal.
Anyway, here I am, feeling forty. In fact I'm more than feeling 40, I'm flirting with 40. Yep, 40 is about to happen within this very year. So, here I am, almost 40 and I'm losing friends faster than drunk people lose their change.
I (she says with confidence) am not without wit. I'm fairly reliable. I have strong shoulders to cry on. I offer wine, when wine is needed. I have excellent listening skills and even better talking skills. I'm pretty amazing friendship material actually. And yet, the numbers diminish. I'm a mummy now. This might explain some of the exits. I have, no, make that had, quite a few friends without kids. Yet, I fear that my parenthood status can't explain all the loses. Perhaps I'm crapper than I think I am. YIKES!
So crank up the volume up on those violins please. This is an emotional sitiuation. Emotional I tell you!
Perhaps I need to advertise for new friends. Crikey, how absolutely desperate does that sound. I'm probably going to have to try harder with the mums at playgoups. Oh god the pain of it. I'm terrible at bonding with other mothers. I feel like an imposter.
Hey ho. Fortunately I do have a marvelous family. A family I can also consider to be good friends. And there are one or two real friends that haven't waved a two-fingered goodbye at me. Never-the-less, pass the kleenex. Snif snif, blub.
Anyway, here I am, feeling forty. In fact I'm more than feeling 40, I'm flirting with 40. Yep, 40 is about to happen within this very year. So, here I am, almost 40 and I'm losing friends faster than drunk people lose their change.
I (she says with confidence) am not without wit. I'm fairly reliable. I have strong shoulders to cry on. I offer wine, when wine is needed. I have excellent listening skills and even better talking skills. I'm pretty amazing friendship material actually. And yet, the numbers diminish. I'm a mummy now. This might explain some of the exits. I have, no, make that had, quite a few friends without kids. Yet, I fear that my parenthood status can't explain all the loses. Perhaps I'm crapper than I think I am. YIKES!
So crank up the volume up on those violins please. This is an emotional sitiuation. Emotional I tell you!
Perhaps I need to advertise for new friends. Crikey, how absolutely desperate does that sound. I'm probably going to have to try harder with the mums at playgoups. Oh god the pain of it. I'm terrible at bonding with other mothers. I feel like an imposter.
Hey ho. Fortunately I do have a marvelous family. A family I can also consider to be good friends. And there are one or two real friends that haven't waved a two-fingered goodbye at me. Never-the-less, pass the kleenex. Snif snif, blub.
17 May 2014
A little OCD (obsessive cumberbatch disorder)
OCD - obsessive cumberbatch disorder - I like it. I stole the acronym mix up from a fellow fan. Thank you fellow fan.
It's fair to say that I, like millions of others, am a tad OCD. Only a tad. Parenthood and ahem, erm marriage prevents me from going hardcore. I don't camp outside his house. Indeed, I have no idea where he lives. Assume London, in something housey or possibly apartmenty. I'm absolutely sure he has some kind of shelter and I'm sure it's very beautiful.
I haven't watched every film or TV programme he has ever made (yet). I've heard absolutely no radio shows with him (again, yet). (Hmph, call yourself a fan Hazel - you're barely browsing). I intend to watch / hear and otherwise experience more stuff but as I say, domesticity filters out full on fandom. Sometimes Im lucky if I sneak in one adult sized leisure activity in between housework, parenting, job searching, exercising and collapsing into a much-needed slumber.
I'm told there is a You Tube video of him reading The Little Red Hen. I have a toddler. I'm fairly sure I can slip that into her TV time and claim it to be valid educational material. Mummy's happy. Tiny toes is happy. Win win.
I have never seen BC in a play. I'd love to. It has been too many years since I last visited the theatre. I have a feeling that I'll see panto before I next see a play. But you never know.
I think I can add to my evolving to do list.
What beautiful things to add to my to list.
It's fair to say that I, like millions of others, am a tad OCD. Only a tad. Parenthood and ahem, erm marriage prevents me from going hardcore. I don't camp outside his house. Indeed, I have no idea where he lives. Assume London, in something housey or possibly apartmenty. I'm absolutely sure he has some kind of shelter and I'm sure it's very beautiful.
I haven't watched every film or TV programme he has ever made (yet). I've heard absolutely no radio shows with him (again, yet). (Hmph, call yourself a fan Hazel - you're barely browsing). I intend to watch / hear and otherwise experience more stuff but as I say, domesticity filters out full on fandom. Sometimes Im lucky if I sneak in one adult sized leisure activity in between housework, parenting, job searching, exercising and collapsing into a much-needed slumber.
I'm told there is a You Tube video of him reading The Little Red Hen. I have a toddler. I'm fairly sure I can slip that into her TV time and claim it to be valid educational material. Mummy's happy. Tiny toes is happy. Win win.
I have never seen BC in a play. I'd love to. It has been too many years since I last visited the theatre. I have a feeling that I'll see panto before I next see a play. But you never know.
I think I can add to my evolving to do list.
- Watch everything that has BC in.
- Listen to everything that has BC in.
- Watch a play. Just generally, watch a play. Because this is what cultured adult type people do. And plays are nice. Ideally, in a oh-so-perfect world, watch a play with BC in.
What beautiful things to add to my to list.
Oscilloscope electronic test equipment - Gould Advance - OS250A-S2
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5hnSDt
Bar bender - exercise equipment for upper body
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5hnS3k
Dunlop tennis racket and case
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5hnRwk
Saxophone method book 1 - beginners to intermediate - how to read music
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5hnRj0
New LOW PRICE - Ronald Joyce Wedding dress (prom ball gown) - stunning
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5hnRVR
Faith no more - Video Croissant - inc Small Victory, Epic, We care a lot - VHS
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5hnRLR
Rock DJ starring Robbie Williams - full unedited inc documentary VHS video
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5hnRLN
The Style Council - Jerusalem - feat hits from The cost of loving - VHS
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5hnRLK
U2 - Rattle and Hum - Full motion picture - VHS video
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5hnRKg
Joe Satriani - The Satch Tapes - VHS Video
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5hnR8X
Little Angels Soapbox limited edition CD single - perfect gift
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5hnR8T
Usborne Happy Baby with bounce - along happy music CD
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5hnR89
Madonna - The Video Collection 92-99 (VHS, 1999)
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5hnR7T
The Lennon Tapes - John Lennon and Yoko Ono in conversation 1980
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5hnQx6
Pearl Jam limited edition print - Vitalogy - rare
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5hnQh7
Rose quartz pendant - very pretty, pale pink
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5hn1S2
Lead guitar for beginners and advanced students - scales used by Rock guitarists
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5hn1BZ
Boiler thermostat type TK 3504 scale 60 / 130 c
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5hn12v
Lady ornament figurine.
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5hn10v
Pearl Jam limited edition print - Vitalogy
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5hn0sK
Feeling funky
Im currently wearing some of my creative erm creations. I have no reason whatsoever to do this. I'm not going out. I'm watching Swashbuckle with an array of small people. Well two small people. Yet sometimes you have to wear nice clothes for fun. Particularly when you have a limited social life.
Feeling funky not frumpy. Good times.
Feeling funky not frumpy. Good times.
16 May 2014
Heavy metal techniques for lead guitar
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5hNl6w
Progressive rhythm guitar - for beginner to advanced students - emphasis on rock
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5hNl02
Customised, one off, paint effect top. Funky punk. Grungy hippie!
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5hLdwt
Funky hippy customised top. One off design. Blue with rainbow effect. Size 14.
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5hLdZB
Preloved | grungy hippy tie dye top for sale in Alsager, Cheshire
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://ift.tt/1k8wz9C
Preloved | funky hippy customised top for sale! for sale in Alsager, Cheshire
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://ift.tt/1k8wx1q
Creative clothes!
Here a few of my creative clothes. I like them.
Erm, top shot
Tie bleach shape top
Sleeve shot
Erm, top shot

Purple plum line top
Tie bleach shape top
Layered pattern top
Layered pattern close up
Line close up
Tie dye paint effect top
Tie bleach shapes top close up
To do list - revisited
I'm feeling fairly pleased with my achievements. Granted, these achievements are fairly low-level and domestic but still. I haven't tackled The Three Peaks Challenge or climbed Everest. No. But I have managed to do a Tabata / Yogalates combo whilst incredibly tired and I have customised all but 3 of my much-in-need-of-a-makeover clothes. I've semi-decided to sell some of said customised clothes but erm, well, I'm so attached to them all, I don't know if I can bring myself to! That said, the extra pennies would be very helpful. When I say extra, I mean pennies to prevent spiraling debt.
To sell or not to sell, that is the question. Well, it's one of them.
Anyway, my to do list, part achieved, is below:
- Watch the remaining 10% of Julie & Julia. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1135503/. I managed to watch some of it when my daughter was quite young. Her early evening wake up meant I missed the end. I've never got around to finding out what the end actually comprises of.
Almost. I have the film ready to watch. It's a start.
- Find a job. This is an easy one. Ill just go out and get one. Gis a job! Okay, I jest. This one could take forever. I think Ill watch Julie & Julia first.
Ha! No. Of course not but I am trying. I'm really really trying.
-Make myself a cup of
tea. Okay, arguably, this doesn't need adding to a to do list. It's
pretty easy to do and I do it all the time. Yet, I can happily cross it
off my list in about erm 3 minutes time so I'm keeping it on the list.
Watch this space..........I'm back and I made a coffee instead of a
tea! Bonus. I can have a cup of tea shortly.
Ooooh I did that and then some. Love tea.
- Contact various parenting magazines with a view to writing freelance for one or more of them.
I haven't started this. Feeling somewhat less achievementy now.
Hoover the bed. Hoover the bed? Yep, hoover the bed. No, I haven't
taken leave of my senses. The Eczema Society recommend that beds are
hoovered once a week. My daughter has eczema and high incidences of
reactions to dust. I hoover her (our) bed once a week. I sometimes
steam clean it too. All the bedding is washed on a 60 degree setting.
If I miss a week, her skin responds accordingly. Bummer.
I did that and it's almost time to do it again. I steam cleaned it too. A domestic goddess has entered the building.
Tie bleach and / or dye all my clothes that have milton damage. Milton
is a mild bleach. Parents tend to use milton for sterolising things.
Im a parent, I own milton and Im very very clumsy. Thus, about 10% of
my wardrobe has milton blobs on it. I can't either justify or afford to
replace these clothes. It would be rather unethical and I lack the
necessary pennies to buy new or even second-hand clothes. Thus far, I
have tie bleached a black top. Now it's black / dark red. It looks
pretty good, in my view. I have about 30 items of clothes to go.
Achieved! There a few items that need fabric painting but the tie dye / tie bleach stage is complete. Flipping wow.
- Visit my good friend Sam in Sheffield. I've been trying to visit her for months. This must happen. It's on my to do list. It will happen.
Not yet, sadly. Soon though.
- Visit a cafe on my own and sip a mocha, as if I have all the time in the world. No phone. No timescales. No shouty toddler. No children's activities. Just me and caffeine mixed with chocolate. Oh and a book. I haven't let the hours slip by in a cafe since my daughter was born. In fact, I probably haven't since I met my husband. I love love love alone time. I never feel lonely. I just feel comfortable and relaxed. If I had decided to prioritise my list, this would be first.
GOD I WISH. I have had some me-time though. Thank you husband for that!
- Swap round the cupboards in the music room. We have a music room. Sounds impressive, it isn't. It's also where we store clothes and dry laundry. Currently we have broken cupboards and new, mostly empty cupboards. I need to rectify this. Being tidy means you can find things and you don't trip over quite as much.
I have made a start on this. A minor start but a start none-the-less.
- Tidy my
daughter's playpen. It's mostly toy storage now. She has reached an
age where space is super important. She dislikes barriers. The playpen
also needs hoovering / steam cleaning.....
Done. Although, Ill have to do it again over the weekend! A labour of love this parenting lark.
-Following on from above - hoover / steam clean the above-mentioned playpen.
As above.
-Get creative. Inspire my creative side by doing erm creative things.
This could be anything. Poetry, painting, singing. I've written poems
before. There are some on this very blog. I enjoy painting. Drawing
is not my forte. I lack any actual drawing ability whatsoever. So, get
creative, somehow and get creative soon.
Oh yes. Lots. I have created plasticine thingies with my daughter, I've blogged (counts as creative in my view), I've fabric painted, dyed and creatively bleached various fabrics.
Bye for now.......
To sell or not to sell, that is the question. Well, it's one of them.
Anyway, my to do list, part achieved, is below:
- Watch the remaining 10% of Julie & Julia. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1135503/. I managed to watch some of it when my daughter was quite young. Her early evening wake up meant I missed the end. I've never got around to finding out what the end actually comprises of.
Almost. I have the film ready to watch. It's a start.
- Find a job. This is an easy one. Ill just go out and get one. Gis a job! Okay, I jest. This one could take forever. I think Ill watch Julie & Julia first.
Ha! No. Of course not but I am trying. I'm really really trying.
Ooooh I did that and then some. Love tea.
- Contact various parenting magazines with a view to writing freelance for one or more of them.
I haven't started this. Feeling somewhat less achievementy now.
I did that and it's almost time to do it again. I steam cleaned it too. A domestic goddess has entered the building.
Achieved! There a few items that need fabric painting but the tie dye / tie bleach stage is complete. Flipping wow.
- Visit my good friend Sam in Sheffield. I've been trying to visit her for months. This must happen. It's on my to do list. It will happen.
Not yet, sadly. Soon though.
- Visit a cafe on my own and sip a mocha, as if I have all the time in the world. No phone. No timescales. No shouty toddler. No children's activities. Just me and caffeine mixed with chocolate. Oh and a book. I haven't let the hours slip by in a cafe since my daughter was born. In fact, I probably haven't since I met my husband. I love love love alone time. I never feel lonely. I just feel comfortable and relaxed. If I had decided to prioritise my list, this would be first.
GOD I WISH. I have had some me-time though. Thank you husband for that!
- Swap round the cupboards in the music room. We have a music room. Sounds impressive, it isn't. It's also where we store clothes and dry laundry. Currently we have broken cupboards and new, mostly empty cupboards. I need to rectify this. Being tidy means you can find things and you don't trip over quite as much.
I have made a start on this. A minor start but a start none-the-less.
Done. Although, Ill have to do it again over the weekend! A labour of love this parenting lark.
As above.
Oh yes. Lots. I have created plasticine thingies with my daughter, I've blogged (counts as creative in my view), I've fabric painted, dyed and creatively bleached various fabrics.
Yep. I'm back in the zone. ACHIEVEMENT IS MY MIDDLE NAME.
Bye for now.......
14 May 2014
More painty clothes!
Here we have yet more painty clothes. These look painty due to dye and bleach effects. I'm impressed at the colour coordination between top and skirt. Happenstance combined with an intense love of purple, turquoise and blue.
My top is dip-dyed blue and tie-dyed purple. It was originally white. The skirt was originally turquoise and has been tie-bleached and tie-dyed purple. Yes, I know the skirt is very short but I always wear it with tights or leggings. I don't believe in showing my bottom cheeks. Although there were times, in my youth, that I showed inappropriate quantities of bare leg. Those days are sooooo gone so panic not.
My top is dip-dyed blue and tie-dyed purple. It was originally white. The skirt was originally turquoise and has been tie-bleached and tie-dyed purple. Yes, I know the skirt is very short but I always wear it with tights or leggings. I don't believe in showing my bottom cheeks. Although there were times, in my youth, that I showed inappropriate quantities of bare leg. Those days are sooooo gone so panic not.
Get creative clothing results
Well, I got rather more excited than anticipated regarding my tie dye-athon. I'm so excited that I've also tie bleached and fabric painted. I'm no fine artist but I do class myself as somewhat creative. Even if I've suddenly got lots of epic creative fails in my wardrobe, at least I'm brave enough to customise clothes then wear the results in public!
Below are a few of my creations. I might even attempt to sell a few. There must be other people out there who'd enjoy looking like an accidental dalliance with a paint factory.
The skirt below was white, I bought it from Oxfam. I noticed, post-purchase, that it had a large mark on it! I tried to bleach it out but it didn't shift thus I deemed it bound for clothes recycling. Happily, it's now pretty blue tie-dyed and rainbow painted. I look forward to wearing it.
Another skirt shot. I like much.
My sunhat now has an orange marbled with blue paint effect.
The tie-bleach skirt. I've owned this skirt forever. Then, I recently spilt Milton on it and absolutely felt like crying. I love this skirt. Now I can wear it again. Yay for getting creative.
More posts to follow.
Below are a few of my creations. I might even attempt to sell a few. There must be other people out there who'd enjoy looking like an accidental dalliance with a paint factory.
The skirt below was white, I bought it from Oxfam. I noticed, post-purchase, that it had a large mark on it! I tried to bleach it out but it didn't shift thus I deemed it bound for clothes recycling. Happily, it's now pretty blue tie-dyed and rainbow painted. I look forward to wearing it.
Another skirt shot. I like much.
My sunhat now has an orange marbled with blue paint effect.
The tie-bleach skirt. I've owned this skirt forever. Then, I recently spilt Milton on it and absolutely felt like crying. I love this skirt. Now I can wear it again. Yay for getting creative.
More posts to follow.
13 May 2014
Angels Believe and Receive: Bring the Guidance and Wisdom of the Angels into...
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5fJgmX
Pearl Jam limited edition print - Vitalogy - rare
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5fJgkr
Nicorette freshmint 2mg gum nicotine
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5fJgSW
Oscilloscope electronic test equipment - Gould Advance - OS250A-S2
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5fJgFD
Adults martial arts / karate tournament mitts / gloves
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5fJgDf
Adults martial arts / karate tournament mitts / gloves
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5fJg8K
Belkin Wireless 802.11G dongle 54MB
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5fJfzy
Aristoc Mistique stockings 20 denier, seam-free (wear with sandles). Vintage
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5fJDWm
Islam - Alfred Guillaume
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5fJDWg
Florence and Fred red and white toddler coat size 12 - 18 months
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5fJDWM
Fun Lovin' Criminals - King of New York - CD
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5fJDRS
How to succeed in the music business - pocket essentials
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5fJDFX
12 May 2014
New old clothes - eco-creative
I created a to do list and decided to place it here on my blog. One of the items on my to do list, was to tie bleach and / or dye a number of items from my wardrobe so that I could cover up and re-use all the clothes that are Milton damaged.
Incredibly, in just a matter of days, I have already tie bleached 4 tops and 2 skirts! I feel a sense of achievement here. Tie bleaching my clothes combines creativity with re-using old stuff. It's eco-creative! Okay, so bleach isn't an eco product but compare that to throwing clothes away or adding to C02 production by buying new clothes. Also, I've saved money (by not buying new clothes). Moreover, and this is the clincher, I now have some clothes that look interesting and grungy rather than bland and mumsy.
My clothes were becoming evermore mum-like. Not because I am a mum but because my lovely mum has been mostly responsible for adding to my wardrobe. A perpetual skint status means that I don't acquire clothes. My children mostly reap the benefits of any extra money and that's exactly how it should be. There simply isn't enough cash to extend my wardrobe. Furthermore, if I do have money to spend, I'd rather spend it on gorgeous food or an evening out. However, my image has started to matter a little. This is likely because the big 40 looms terrifyingly on the horizon. The big 40 is no doubt responsible to my current super-charged exercise programme. What a shame that 40 hasn't encouraged me to go on a diet too. But as Ive hinted, I love good food - dieting is tricky for food lovers.
Anyhoo, I digress a tad. Hmmnm, sooo unlike me (sarcasm alert). Below you will see a picture of my first tie bleaching attempt. Well, my first in a very, very long time. I'm pleased with the outcome. Tie dye / bleach takes me back to my youth. I used to live in tie dye and tassles. I also lived in record shops. Music and tassled skirts pretty much defined me in my 20s. Obviously there is no point trying to turn back the clock. Im kinda old and that's okay. Yet I believe I can insert a little fun, arty style into my image. I currently have green, blue, brown hair. It will probably be pink, purple, blue, green very soon. Self-expression is good.
The tie bleached top:
There is a teeny tiny hand in the bottom right of the picture. That's my daughter's hand. The picture was taken seconds before she pulled the top off the chair and threw it across the room. Cheeky monkey.
Incredibly, in just a matter of days, I have already tie bleached 4 tops and 2 skirts! I feel a sense of achievement here. Tie bleaching my clothes combines creativity with re-using old stuff. It's eco-creative! Okay, so bleach isn't an eco product but compare that to throwing clothes away or adding to C02 production by buying new clothes. Also, I've saved money (by not buying new clothes). Moreover, and this is the clincher, I now have some clothes that look interesting and grungy rather than bland and mumsy.
My clothes were becoming evermore mum-like. Not because I am a mum but because my lovely mum has been mostly responsible for adding to my wardrobe. A perpetual skint status means that I don't acquire clothes. My children mostly reap the benefits of any extra money and that's exactly how it should be. There simply isn't enough cash to extend my wardrobe. Furthermore, if I do have money to spend, I'd rather spend it on gorgeous food or an evening out. However, my image has started to matter a little. This is likely because the big 40 looms terrifyingly on the horizon. The big 40 is no doubt responsible to my current super-charged exercise programme. What a shame that 40 hasn't encouraged me to go on a diet too. But as Ive hinted, I love good food - dieting is tricky for food lovers.
Anyhoo, I digress a tad. Hmmnm, sooo unlike me (sarcasm alert). Below you will see a picture of my first tie bleaching attempt. Well, my first in a very, very long time. I'm pleased with the outcome. Tie dye / bleach takes me back to my youth. I used to live in tie dye and tassles. I also lived in record shops. Music and tassled skirts pretty much defined me in my 20s. Obviously there is no point trying to turn back the clock. Im kinda old and that's okay. Yet I believe I can insert a little fun, arty style into my image. I currently have green, blue, brown hair. It will probably be pink, purple, blue, green very soon. Self-expression is good.
The tie bleached top:
There is a teeny tiny hand in the bottom right of the picture. That's my daughter's hand. The picture was taken seconds before she pulled the top off the chair and threw it across the room. Cheeky monkey.
11 May 2014
To do list - feel the positive vibe of achievement
I've achieved two things from my to do list. Granted, one was to make myself a cup of tea. I've surpassed that one and then some. I've two cups of tea, so far, today. The other task was more labour intensive.
I feel like an achiever. I am an achiever. I have achieved.
Positive vibes are bouncing off this blog right now. Can you feel them?
I am serious. Well, slightly serious. Ticking or crossing things off a list is emotionally supported. It is important to emotionally support yourself. You are your own best-friend. I know it's sounds happy clappy hippy (and why not, I lean that way) but seriously, TRY CREATING A TO DO LIST AND ACHIEVE FROM IT. It works.
I feel like an achiever. I am an achiever. I have achieved.
Positive vibes are bouncing off this blog right now. Can you feel them?
I am serious. Well, slightly serious. Ticking or crossing things off a list is emotionally supported. It is important to emotionally support yourself. You are your own best-friend. I know it's sounds happy clappy hippy (and why not, I lean that way) but seriously, TRY CREATING A TO DO LIST AND ACHIEVE FROM IT. It works.
To do list!
This is a to do list. Well, it will be shortly, when I've finished the introduction. I understand that having lists with items that you cross off, as each task is achieved, is very helpful. It does useful things to the psyche. It provides a constant sense of achievement. Thus, I'm creating a public to do list. Well, as public as my blog is, which might not be very public at all, apart from search engine robots and erm me!
I'm not going to the number the list. I'll tackle the activities in a random order. A numbered list seems a bit like work rather than achievement and prioritsing is soooo difficult. If potential employers are reading this, prioritising is sooooo easy.
- Watch the remaining 10% of Julie & Julia. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1135503/. I managed to watch some of it when my daughter was quite young. Her early evening wake up meant I missed the end. I've never got around to finding out what the end actually comprises of.
- Find a job. This is an easy one. Ill just go out and get one. Gis a job! Okay, I jest. This one could take forever. I think Ill watch Julie & Julia first.
-Make myself a cup of tea. Okay, arguably, this doesn't need adding to a to do list. It's pretty easy to do and I do it all the time. Yet, I can happily cross it off my list in about erm 3 minutes time so I'm keeping it on the list. Watch this space..........I'm back and I made a coffee instead of a tea! Bonus. I can have a cup of tea shortly.
- Contact various parenting magazines with a view to writing freelance for one or more of them.
- Hoover the bed. Hoover the bed? Yep, hoover the bed. No, I haven't taken leave of my senses. The Eczema Society recommend that beds are hoovered once a week. My daughter has eczema and high incidences of reactions to dust. I hoover her (our) bed once a week. I sometimes steam clean it too. All the bedding is washed on a 60 degree setting. If I miss a week, her skin responds accordingly. Bummer.
- Tie bleach and / or dye all my clothes that have milton damage. Milton is a mild bleach. Parents tend to use milton for sterolising things. Im a parent, I own milton and Im very very clumsy. Thus, about 10% of my wardrobe has milton blobs on it. I can't either justify or afford to replace these clothes. It would be rather unethical and I lack the necessary pennies to buy new or even second-hand clothes. Thus far, I have tie bleached a black top. Now it's black / dark red. It looks pretty good, in my view. I have about 30 items of clothes to go.
- Visit my good friend Sam in Sheffield. I've been trying to visit her for months. This must happen. It's on my to do list. It will happen.
- Visit a cafe on my own and sip a mocha, as if I have all the time in the world. No phone. No timescales. No shouty toddler. No children's activities. Just me and caffeine mixed with chocolate. Oh and a book. I haven't let the hours slip by in a cafe since my daughter was born. In fact, I probably haven't since I met my husband. I love love love alone time. I never feel lonely. I just feel comfortable and relaxed. If I had decided to prioritise my list, this would be first.
- Swap round the cupboards in the music room. We have a music room. Sounds impressive, it isn't. It's also where we store clothes and dry laundry. Currently we have broken cupboards and new, mostly empty cupboards. I need to rectify this. Being tidy means you can find things and you don't trip over quite as much.
- Tidy my daughter's playpen. It's mostly toy storage now. She has reached an age where space is super important. She dislikes barriers. The playpen also needs hoovering / steam cleaning.....
-Following on from above - hoover / steam clean the above-mentioned playpen.
- Get creative. Inspire my creative side by doing erm creative things. This could be anything. Poetry, painting, singing. I've written poems before. There are some on this very blog. I enjoy painting. Drawing is not my forte. I lack any actual drawing ability whatsoever. So, get creative, somehow and get creative soon.
This is my to do list. It's work in progress. That's the point, of course. So I will add more items and, notably, cross off items, as time happens.
I'm going to do one of these tasks within the next 2 hours. 2 hours, starting right now. Again, watch this space. (I can almost hear the search engine robots shake with excitement).
I'm not going to the number the list. I'll tackle the activities in a random order. A numbered list seems a bit like work rather than achievement and prioritsing is soooo difficult. If potential employers are reading this, prioritising is sooooo easy.
- Watch the remaining 10% of Julie & Julia. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1135503/. I managed to watch some of it when my daughter was quite young. Her early evening wake up meant I missed the end. I've never got around to finding out what the end actually comprises of.
- Find a job. This is an easy one. Ill just go out and get one. Gis a job! Okay, I jest. This one could take forever. I think Ill watch Julie & Julia first.
- Contact various parenting magazines with a view to writing freelance for one or more of them.
- Hoover the bed. Hoover the bed? Yep, hoover the bed. No, I haven't taken leave of my senses. The Eczema Society recommend that beds are hoovered once a week. My daughter has eczema and high incidences of reactions to dust. I hoover her (our) bed once a week. I sometimes steam clean it too. All the bedding is washed on a 60 degree setting. If I miss a week, her skin responds accordingly. Bummer.
- Tie bleach and / or dye all my clothes that have milton damage. Milton is a mild bleach. Parents tend to use milton for sterolising things. Im a parent, I own milton and Im very very clumsy. Thus, about 10% of my wardrobe has milton blobs on it. I can't either justify or afford to replace these clothes. It would be rather unethical and I lack the necessary pennies to buy new or even second-hand clothes. Thus far, I have tie bleached a black top. Now it's black / dark red. It looks pretty good, in my view. I have about 30 items of clothes to go.
- Visit my good friend Sam in Sheffield. I've been trying to visit her for months. This must happen. It's on my to do list. It will happen.
- Visit a cafe on my own and sip a mocha, as if I have all the time in the world. No phone. No timescales. No shouty toddler. No children's activities. Just me and caffeine mixed with chocolate. Oh and a book. I haven't let the hours slip by in a cafe since my daughter was born. In fact, I probably haven't since I met my husband. I love love love alone time. I never feel lonely. I just feel comfortable and relaxed. If I had decided to prioritise my list, this would be first.
- Swap round the cupboards in the music room. We have a music room. Sounds impressive, it isn't. It's also where we store clothes and dry laundry. Currently we have broken cupboards and new, mostly empty cupboards. I need to rectify this. Being tidy means you can find things and you don't trip over quite as much.
- Tidy my daughter's playpen. It's mostly toy storage now. She has reached an age where space is super important. She dislikes barriers. The playpen also needs hoovering / steam cleaning.....
- Get creative. Inspire my creative side by doing erm creative things. This could be anything. Poetry, painting, singing. I've written poems before. There are some on this very blog. I enjoy painting. Drawing is not my forte. I lack any actual drawing ability whatsoever. So, get creative, somehow and get creative soon.
This is my to do list. It's work in progress. That's the point, of course. So I will add more items and, notably, cross off items, as time happens.
I'm going to do one of these tasks within the next 2 hours. 2 hours, starting right now. Again, watch this space. (I can almost hear the search engine robots shake with excitement).
10 May 2014
The woman: Irene Adler to the power of three
So I draw your attention to three Irene Adler's. There are more, of course but Im sticking with Adlers of the last decade.
In no particular order:
Adler One
Adler Two
Adler Three
Which Adler do you prefer? I like the bondage and leather of Adler Two. I think it fits with the character
from Doyle's books and also reflects modernity. Speaking aesthetically, Adler One just pips the other Adler's to the post. I do like the Adler / Moriarty combo played by Natalie Dormer. Ooooh so hard to choose a preferred Adler. Hmmmm. I choose Adler Three. Yep, Natalie Dormer is my preferred Adler. She plays the role well and is beautiful in a far away with the fairies way.
In no particular order:
Adler One
Adler Two
Adler Three
Which Adler do you prefer? I like the bondage and leather of Adler Two. I think it fits with the character
from Doyle's books and also reflects modernity. Speaking aesthetically, Adler One just pips the other Adler's to the post. I do like the Adler / Moriarty combo played by Natalie Dormer. Ooooh so hard to choose a preferred Adler. Hmmmm. I choose Adler Three. Yep, Natalie Dormer is my preferred Adler. She plays the role well and is beautiful in a far away with the fairies way.
Sherlock and Elementary
What we need, well, okay, what I need, is a picture of all the Sherlock characters next to their opposite number in Elementary. I'd LOVE to see a picture like that. I've spotted pictures of BC and JLM together. I've seen a few photoshopped pictures of Andrew Scott and Natalie Dormer but I've haven't found any pictures of all the cast members together. A Sherlock Elementary combo.
I'm a fan of both programmnes. Sherlock is my favourite but I am very fond of Elementary. JLM is fabulous as Sherlock. I love Rhys Ifans as Mycroft. I like the female Moriarty / The woman package. I like Andrew Scott's portrayal of Moriarty and Natalie Dormer's portrayal of Moriarty / The woman equally. I have something of a preference for Martin Freeman as Dr Watson but love the idea of a female Watson in Elementary. Lucy Liu plays the role brilliantly. Mark Gatiss plays Mycroft absolutely perfectly but so does Rhys Ifans. Actually, the cast across both programmes are pretty marvelous.
My preference for Sherlock is only slight. The BC crush probably has a lot do with that. Also the writing is very slick, it's based in London and it resides at the BBC. It's very erm British. There are, of course, plenty of British (Welsh) elements in Elementary. And, Sherlock Holmes IS Britishness or, at least, what we imagine idealised Britishness to be. Thus, I favour Sherlock over Elementary.
I actually feel a little lost in the absence of either programme. I strongly suspect that a picture of all the cast members together would fill a Sherlockian hole. Briefly, yes, but what a fleeting moment of absolute joy it would be. I speak as a fan-geek here. :)
In summary, I appeal to those with the power to pull together such an impressive line-up to do so. It would be blooming fab.
I'm a fan of both programmnes. Sherlock is my favourite but I am very fond of Elementary. JLM is fabulous as Sherlock. I love Rhys Ifans as Mycroft. I like the female Moriarty / The woman package. I like Andrew Scott's portrayal of Moriarty and Natalie Dormer's portrayal of Moriarty / The woman equally. I have something of a preference for Martin Freeman as Dr Watson but love the idea of a female Watson in Elementary. Lucy Liu plays the role brilliantly. Mark Gatiss plays Mycroft absolutely perfectly but so does Rhys Ifans. Actually, the cast across both programmes are pretty marvelous.
My preference for Sherlock is only slight. The BC crush probably has a lot do with that. Also the writing is very slick, it's based in London and it resides at the BBC. It's very erm British. There are, of course, plenty of British (Welsh) elements in Elementary. And, Sherlock Holmes IS Britishness or, at least, what we imagine idealised Britishness to be. Thus, I favour Sherlock over Elementary.
I actually feel a little lost in the absence of either programme. I strongly suspect that a picture of all the cast members together would fill a Sherlockian hole. Briefly, yes, but what a fleeting moment of absolute joy it would be. I speak as a fan-geek here. :)
In summary, I appeal to those with the power to pull together such an impressive line-up to do so. It would be blooming fab.
07 May 2014
Will the real Sherlock please stand up
My mind is prone to over-analyse. I would even go as far, as to say that there is something of a conspiracy theorist about me. Just something. Nothing hardcore. This disposition, perhaps, has caused me to question whether Sherlock is actually Sherlock. Bare with me here. When I say Sherlock, I mean the Sherlock from the BBC series. The Sherlock played, oh so beautifully by Benedict Cumberbatch. The fabulously mind-bending, screen-magnetising series of Sherlock written by Mark Gatiss, Steven Moffat and Stephen Thompson. Moreover, when I wonder if Sherlock is the the real Sherlock, I refer to Sherlock post-Reichenbach Fall. The Sherlock that returns from the dead.
Ive wondered about real and faux before. I'm a part-time tweeter on Twitter and was saddened to discover that BC (Benedict Cumberbatch) was not a keen tweeter, indeed, he never plans to tweet. The BC twitter accounts that I had stumbled across (ahem by actively searching for him) were faux BC's. I questioned this fact on this very blog. I asked whether any of the Twitter accounts that heralded his name belonged to Mr Cumberbatch and I wondered no more, when fans, wiser than I, indicated that the real BC had stood up but he definitely wasn't tweeting.
Hey ho, I digress somewhat. So the Sherlock that lit up British TV screens earlier this year was fabulous, as always but was he an imposter? First of all, he jumped off a building. We all saw it. I cried, quite a lot, as I recall. Then, I was more than a little relieved when I saw a Sherlock shaped fellow appear in the background, whilst John Watson grieved at Sherlock's grave-side.
Then, enter series three. Sherlock and co are back. Various potential explanations are offered as to how Sherlock managed to jump off a building and survive. One is offered by Sherlock himself but it isn't confirmed and appears purposefully fake. Furthermore and, in my view, significantly, Sherlock alludes to playing the role of himself right at the end of The Empty Hearse. He dons the Dear Stalker hat and states to John that it's time to be Sherlock Holmes. He then goes to face his public, the public that hitherto, he has indicated contempt towards, wearing a hat he previously disliked. My conspiracy theory doesn't end there. Oh no, brace yourself. He shoots Charles Augustus Magnussen towards the end of His Last Vow. Now, Sherlock IS a self-proclaimed sociopath. His character struggles with human emotion but murder? Cold-blooded murder? Yes, it seemed he had no choice. He did it for John and he did if for Mary (the shooter of Sherlock). But Sherlock shot a man! It's almost like the kind of thing that Moriarty would do. In fact, it's exactly like the kind of thing that Moriarty would do.
So Im wondering, as you can probably tell, is Sherlock an imposter on Moriarty's payroll? A pawn in a wider plan? From a Moriarty viewpoint, it would be rather useful to have the world famous sociopath detective operating on the side of more demonic types rather than angels. Rather useful indeed.
The last few moments of His Last Vow indicated that Moriarty is also not dead. He, like Sherlock, faked his own death. We see a fleeting glimpse of Moriarty at the end of His Last Vow, just like we see a fleeting glimpse of Sherlock at the end of The Reichenbach Fall. Interesting parallels can be drawn here. Maybe these parallels are just so the writers can subtlety demonstrate the similarities between the arch-nemesis's or maybe, just maybe, it is all part of Moriarty's grand plan.
Alternatively, maybe I need to get a life! Ha. Nevertheless, it's food for thought. Slightly geeky, moderately odd thought, granted but thought food none-the-less.
I'll leave it there. Bye for now.....
Ive wondered about real and faux before. I'm a part-time tweeter on Twitter and was saddened to discover that BC (Benedict Cumberbatch) was not a keen tweeter, indeed, he never plans to tweet. The BC twitter accounts that I had stumbled across (ahem by actively searching for him) were faux BC's. I questioned this fact on this very blog. I asked whether any of the Twitter accounts that heralded his name belonged to Mr Cumberbatch and I wondered no more, when fans, wiser than I, indicated that the real BC had stood up but he definitely wasn't tweeting.
Hey ho, I digress somewhat. So the Sherlock that lit up British TV screens earlier this year was fabulous, as always but was he an imposter? First of all, he jumped off a building. We all saw it. I cried, quite a lot, as I recall. Then, I was more than a little relieved when I saw a Sherlock shaped fellow appear in the background, whilst John Watson grieved at Sherlock's grave-side.
Then, enter series three. Sherlock and co are back. Various potential explanations are offered as to how Sherlock managed to jump off a building and survive. One is offered by Sherlock himself but it isn't confirmed and appears purposefully fake. Furthermore and, in my view, significantly, Sherlock alludes to playing the role of himself right at the end of The Empty Hearse. He dons the Dear Stalker hat and states to John that it's time to be Sherlock Holmes. He then goes to face his public, the public that hitherto, he has indicated contempt towards, wearing a hat he previously disliked. My conspiracy theory doesn't end there. Oh no, brace yourself. He shoots Charles Augustus Magnussen towards the end of His Last Vow. Now, Sherlock IS a self-proclaimed sociopath. His character struggles with human emotion but murder? Cold-blooded murder? Yes, it seemed he had no choice. He did it for John and he did if for Mary (the shooter of Sherlock). But Sherlock shot a man! It's almost like the kind of thing that Moriarty would do. In fact, it's exactly like the kind of thing that Moriarty would do.
So Im wondering, as you can probably tell, is Sherlock an imposter on Moriarty's payroll? A pawn in a wider plan? From a Moriarty viewpoint, it would be rather useful to have the world famous sociopath detective operating on the side of more demonic types rather than angels. Rather useful indeed.
The last few moments of His Last Vow indicated that Moriarty is also not dead. He, like Sherlock, faked his own death. We see a fleeting glimpse of Moriarty at the end of His Last Vow, just like we see a fleeting glimpse of Sherlock at the end of The Reichenbach Fall. Interesting parallels can be drawn here. Maybe these parallels are just so the writers can subtlety demonstrate the similarities between the arch-nemesis's or maybe, just maybe, it is all part of Moriarty's grand plan.
Alternatively, maybe I need to get a life! Ha. Nevertheless, it's food for thought. Slightly geeky, moderately odd thought, granted but thought food none-the-less.
I'll leave it there. Bye for now.....
New LOW PRICE - Ronald Joyce Wedding dress (prom ball gown) - stunning
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5bN5jz
06 May 2014
Saxophone method book 1 - beginners to intermediate - how to read music
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5bLC2J
Progressive rhythm guitar - for beginner to advanced students - emphasis on rock
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5bKJg2
Rose quartz pendant - very pretty, pale pink
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5bKJfg
Heavy metal techniques for lead guitar
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5bKJdc
Lead guitar for beginners and advanced students - scales used by Rock guitarists
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5bKJXz
Boiler thermostat type TK 3504 scale 60 / 130 c
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5bKJC1
05 May 2014
Angels Believe and Receive: Bring the Guidance and Wisdom of the Angels into...
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5ZqqMJ
Pearl Jam limited edition print - Vitalogy - rare
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5ZqqLJ
Nicorette freshmint 2mg gum nicotine
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5ZqqDW
Oscilloscope electronic test equipment - Gould Advance - OS250A-S2
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5Zqq2J
Adults martial arts / karate tournament mitts / gloves
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5Zqpkd
Adults martial arts / karate tournament mitts / gloves
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5Zqpc4
Belkin Wireless 802.11G dongle 54MB
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5ZqpQB
Islam - Alfred Guillaume
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5ZpytS
Aristoc Mistique stockings 20 denier, seam-free (wear with sandles). Vintage
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5ZpytL
Florence and Fred red and white toddler coat size 12 - 18 months
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5ZpysL
Fun Lovin' Criminals - King of New York - CD
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5ZpyjN
How to succeed in the music business - pocket essentials
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5ZpyQW
01 May 2014
New LOW PRICE - Ronald Joyce Wedding dress (prom ball gown) - stunning
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5Y2P9S
Saxophone method book 1 - beginners to intermediate - how to read music
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5Y2Nwr
Progressive rhythm guitar - for beginner to advanced students - emphasis on rock
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5Y0Fgr
Rose quartz pendant - very pretty, pale pink
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5Y0Fg6
Boiler thermostat type TK 3504 scale 60 / 130 c
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5Y0FcR
Lead guitar for beginners and advanced students - scales used by Rock guitarists
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5Y0FRz
Heavy metal techniques for lead guitar
via Items for sale Alsager: with The LOVED Before Store http://dlvr.it/5Y0F8w
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